“I create a world of safety and connection through touch and open-hearted communication, so that my clients can access open-hearted choice in manifesting their sexual life potential”.

My story of how I came to this work

Photo by Grace Gelder

I was raised by parents who were very liberal and open minded. Although I was born in England all my family are Danish. We spoke Danish at home and I was brought up in an atmosphere where it was perfectly acceptable to discuss sexual matters openly and matter of factly. In particular, nudity was normalised as opposed to English culture where nudity is generally sexualised. Because of this, nudity is not sensational for me. This supports my practice in that I am completely comfortable with nudity. Nudity is not a titillating experience for me and the men and women I have worked with appreciate my kindness and acceptance around the human body in its naturalness. This can be deeply facilitating for people who have body image issues as well as those who feel they have been objectified by others.

I was raised as Danish in England and when I visited Denmark I did not fit in as I was identifiably not 100% Danish. I felt like an outsider in either camp. This has given me an appreciation of the experience of otherness.

As a child I was bought books like Peter Mayle’s “Where did I come from” which explained the mechanics of love and sex. Being a voracious reader, from the age of 8 years old I also read many adult books on sexology (I was an early sex geek!). Kinsey was a particular influence, especially his discovery that many people's sexual behaviour is very different to what they say they do. For example, he found that a large proportion of people who identify as straight have had same-sex encounters, and conversely that many or most people who identify as homosexual have had opposite sex encounters. All groups tended to lie about their behaviour to maintain their image of themselves demonstrating that sexual identity and sexuality in practice are very different, more fluid and much less rigid than our theories about who we are or how we wish to be seen by society.


"I refer all my female clients to Kian because he cannot be seduced. He is totally in service to his clients coming into their full erotic potential without manipulation, seduction or illusion". 

K. S., Sex & Relationship Therapist


I taught myself massage and tantra from books in my teens and dreamt of studying for a degree at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. In the end, the IASHS being a private institution, I completed my first degree in Inter-disciplinary Human Studies at Bradford University and my second at the University of Westminster.

While at University I continued exploring my sexuality. To me, expressing myself erotically was and is to feel warm, love, in touch with the divine, presence, connected, vibrating in every atom, exhilarated, alive. It's all the more amazing to me because it is innate, generated from within this same body which can also engage in more mundane experiences simply through breathing and feeling. I feel in touch with the universe and in tune with everything, in touch with myself and fully present now.

Like anyone who discovers something wonderful, I wanted to share my passion with the world, as I still do. I telephoned a number of disabled charities inquiring about their provision for the sexual life of disabled people. I was met with the fact that no provision had been made by any of them. I did, however, make contact with Tuppy Owens, who I later worked with, founder of The Outsiders and the Sexual Health & Disability Alliance (SHADA) and The TLC Trust.

At Bradford University I studied Wilhelm Reich, the renowned student of Freud who linked sexual repression to individual illness and state repression and explored Reichian therapy and breathwork.

In 1994, while in America attending a polyfidelity conference at Harbin Hot Springs, I discovered the Body Electric School which was founded by Joseph Kramer. I went on to take the Sacred Intimate Training at Wildwood, California; an in-depth training in Taoist Erotic Massage, anal massage, breathwork and midwifery to the dying with amazing teachers such as Chester Mainard and Harry Faddis.

On my return to England I started to work professionally and take other tantric trainings. I co-facilitated the SkyDancing peer practice group at the Open Centre in London. I furthered my study of bodywork during 5 months in Poona, India in 1996, learning Osho Rebalancing (essentially identical with Jack Painter’s Postural Integration, a fusion of Rolfing and Reichian bodywork). I received Sannyas there and have worked under my Sannyasin name of Gyan Nisarg although I now prefer my birth name as it feels more authentic.

In 2005 I was awarded a BSc. Hons degree in Health Sciences: Nutritional Therapy from the University of Westminster which had fascinating bio-medical components including anatomy and physiology, bio-chemistry, pharmacology and differential diagnosis as well as the application of nutrition for optimal physical and mental health.

Other areas I have worked in include magazine sub-editing and martial arts tuition. I was a panel judge on the Grand Jury for Conspicuous Sensuality with Tuppy Owens for the Erotic Awards in the 1990s and have returned as Chair of Judges with the now re-named Sexual Freedom Awards

My participation in men’s work has included work with Michael Meade & Malidoma Somé, The Edward Carpenter Community and on-going involvement with The ManKind Project.

Since 2008 I have been studying shamanism and shamanic sexuality (Quodoushka) with the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society which opened up a vast new perspective on sexual health and the many varieties of sexual expression and experience.

Through my work arranging an insurance offer for people working in somatic sexology with the Association of Somatic & Integrative Sexologists (ASIS) I contacted Deej Juventin, president of the Somatic Sex Educator's Association of Australsia (SSEAA), who teaches the Certificate in Sexological Bodywork (CSB) with the Institute of Somatic Sexology (ISS) of Australia and through this connection, ended up sponsoring the CSB in the UK. Joseph Kramer founded the profession of sexological bodywork in 2003 and oversaw its accreditation by the State of California via the, now sadly defunct, Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. I started co-teaching the training in 2018. Bringing the CSB to the UK, and now teaching it, feels like coming back to the roots of my journey into somatic sexology, with the added knowledge of the recent decades' discoveries in neuroscience and mindfulness applied to erotic education.

Contact me for your Discovery Consultation! >

In this talk, Kian explores elements that can contribute to amazing sexual experiences by way of sex research and personal experience. Along the way, he questions cultural assumptions of "sex", "amazing sex" and in what ways it can be "had".

Code of Conduct

I follow the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB). I am Chair of the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists (ASIS), Chair of Judges at the Sexual Freedom Awards and was elected to the post of ACSB Vice-President in 2023.

I am the founder and Director of The School of Somatic Sexology which delivers The UK & Ireland Somatic Sex Education professional training, with an international team of leading-edge educators. The School of Somatic Sexology evolved from the Sea School of Embodiment which I co-founded with Katie Sarra. In 2014 the Sea School of Embodiment hosted the first Certificates in Sexological Bodywork (CSB) and Somatic Sex Education (CSSE) trainings to occur in the U.K. In 2015 we hosted the first Euopean workshops in the Wheel of Consent® and the first UK Foundations of Facillation and Cuddle Party facilitator training, all with Betty Martin. Katie and I were the first U.K. practitioners to be Certified as Wheel of Consent® Workshop Facilitators. In 2016 we hosted the world's first comprehensive training in Women's Pelvic Health: Scar Tissue Remediation, Education and Management (STREAM), taught by Ellen Heed & Kimberly Ann Johnson.

The Schools have attracted participants from across Europe as well as from Africa, America, Australia & Switzerland and has certified over 200 Somatic Sex Educators & Sexological Bodyworkers. 

Click here to see more about my Qualifications & trainings

Contact me for your Discovery Consultation! >